
Thursday 23 February 2012

WIP Wednesday

A wee bit of a sneak peek at just a few of the projects I'm working on these days:

A new line of sleep sacks for little babes!

My first attempt at half-square triangles and chevrons.

Reversible dresses up the wazoo. There are 18 in this pile in case you're curious.

I'm calling this quilt Peas & first attempt at wonky log cabin blocks.

Another monthly quilt challenge from my local quilt shop cut and ready to sew.


  1. Wow- am jealous. Where do you find the time? Can you give some to me please? Please tell me where it is. I miss it.

    1. Mandatory quiet time each afternoon and several hours of work after Abner is in bed each night is how it all gets done, Kristin! That, and the sporadic hours my husband takes Abner off my hands really help too!

  2. Wonky blocks are so much fun! and sleep sacks made from old dress shirts are genius. You have been busy! I guess this means you got into the show?

    1. Won't hear about the show until middle of March, but I'm hedging my bets and getting things ready now. I also want all my projects done before I have to start packing!

  3. I'm so impressed! Congrats on the productivity! 18 dresses? You're amazing!

  4. I love the colour combo of Peas and Carrots, great idea! I've never tried a wonko log cabin yet, let alone a log cabin. Somethign about all the little pieces that scares me.

    I am intrigued by the local shop quilt challenge you're doing. Tell me more (of you can!).
