
Tuesday 21 February 2012

We regret to inform you...

The kids' hand sewing class scheduled for March 3 has been cancelled.

Why, you ask?

Well, our little prairie adventure has taken an unexpected turn and my little family and I are about to find ourselves homeless. The home we've been renting since August has gone up for sale and we've been given a month to move out. There's still a small hope that a new buyer will want to keep it as a rental, but we're not putting our faith in that completely.

So, instead of finishing up the last of the course material to get ready for the hand sewing class, I find myself sewing like mad to get unfinished projects wrapped up before I start packing like a mad woman and searching for houses. When I'm not sewing like mad, I'm cleaning like mad. We've already had 16 showings and the house has only been on the market about a week. What a drag!

I'm so bummed to have to call off the class and am so sorry to everyone who was looking forward to it as much as I was. Once things settle down a bit, I'll take a look at rescheduling the class.

In the meantime, if anyone knows of any rentals available in Regina, please, let me know!


  1. Good luck finding a new place and I'm sure the class will be great when it finally happens!

  2. I am so sorry to hear that! I will keep my eyes open for you. Let me know if you need anything, storage, etc.
