
Friday 2 March 2012

Sharing the good news

Today I am beyond excited to share a tutorial over on the Fat Quarterly blog. Pop on over to learn how to sew this sweet little bedside book/pajama pouch. Mine is the first project in a week-long Designer Challenge featuring the new Quilt Blocks fabric from Ellen over at The Long Thread.


In other happy news...

Did you hear a strange commotion yesterday? A whoop and holler from somewhere you couldn't quite place? Yeah, that was me waking up to the news that the deal on our house fell through. Never has anyone been so happy NOT to sell a house.

For those who might not know, our rental home was recently put on the market and snapped up within the first week. Had the deal gone through, we would have been out on the street at the end of March. To make matters worse, we are still patiently waiting to hear whether we will even need to stay in Regina once my husband's contract is up in just a few short months.

The upside of the deal falling through is that it means that my little family and I get to stay right where we are until at least the end of April. That should be plenty of time to find out if we will be staying in Regina and will put us in a better position to find another rental should we be staying more than a couple of months.

The downside is that we have to put up with showings (read as: we actually have to clean the house again) and rude agents walking into our backyard and home without even knocking. Yes, that has actually happened several times. I still can't get over how some people think this is acceptable when you can clearly see people inside the house watching you!

Ah well, I'm just happy that we've got more time to sort everything out. Thanks to everyone who has been crossing their fingers for us. So far, it seems to be working!


  1. Your tutorial is so cute! And congrats on being able to stay put for the time being!

    1. Thanks for stopping by the blog, Jacey! Glad you like the tutorial!
