
Monday 27 January 2014

Our first visitors!

My parents arrived for the first visit to Dunedin last week. The trip has been planned for months now so it's always been in the back of our heads as something to look forward to in January. It's kind of strange that they're actually here now...the visit is finally happening in real life! We've been running them ragged showing them around town and seeing all the sights along with them. So far we've hit Larnach Castle (it's not really a castle by European standards, but it's still pretty cool), Cadbury World, the art gallery, Otago Museum, Toitu, the eco sanctuary, and about a dozen other places I've already forgotten (thank goodness we had four cameras covering the action!) It's been a great visit so far, but we're all pretty tired by the end of the day.

As tired as I am in the evenings, I've also had an incredible hankering to do a little sewing. Stumbling upon Imagine Gnat's infinity scarf tutorial the other night was just perfect. In less than ten minutes I had my first scarf whipped up. It still doesn't feel like a proper summer here yet (note the 'yet', I am still hopeful at this point - that won't last much longer, I'm afraid) so this light little scarf has been put to good use already. My mom and I popped into a fabric shop that was having a big sale today and picked up fabrics to make five more...I may be a bit addicted to these scarves!

1 comment:

  1. the scarf looks great! and sounds like the visit is super fun times, yay :)
