
Saturday 4 January 2014

Looking back at 2013

1. A peek at my sewing room is the landslide winner this year. 2. The DIY quilt-as-you-go Christmas stocking post proved you all love a good tutorial. 3. Craft markets and their aftermath were big this year too. 4. Seems you are just as in love with my latest modern quilt as I am. 5. My first ticker tape quilt made it on the list as well. 6. I did a little sewing for myself this year - this foxy sleeveless top was my favourite. 7. I didn't start any fashion trends, but you all seemed to like the wonky stripes in the post about my stripey top. 8. I invented a photo scavenger hunt game to keep Abner busy back in May. 9. That reversible skirt is just as popular with you lot as it is with Abner. 10. One of my favourite Japanese sewing projects made it on the list this year! 11. I finished several quilts earlier this year. 12. The photo post about our new camera was a hit.

Well, hello there, 2014. Let's take a look back at the year that was 2013, shall we? I'll kick things off with a look at the ol' blog stats...

  • The images and caption above provide a list of the top 12 posts from 2013. I love seeing what makes this list every year!
  • A total of 66 posts were written in 2013. Not my best year, but not my worst either. 
  • Surrey, BC has taken the lead for visitors' locale this year. [This may or may not be my mother checking the site every day to see if I've posted anything new.] I'm thrilled to see Regina, SK was in the top five!
  • The Around the house: the sewing studio post has become not just my most popular post of the year, but of all time. By a landslide. Left all the other posts in its dust. Ahead by a mile. It was also the most commented post of the year!
  • For the first time this year, Pinterest has become the most frequent source for traffic to the blog. I get about twice as much traffic from Pinterest as I do from all other traffic sources combined.

Reflecting on 2013 in was a freakin' amazing year. There were plenty of incredibly positive experiences and some great lessons learned. In 2013...
  • We took an enormous leap of faith and moved 12,500 km away from friends, family, and the only country we've ever called home.
  • We learned that it is, in fact, possible to fit one's entire life's possessions into a shipping container.
  • We learned that all of a family's necessities for two months of living can fit into suitcases (if you don't mind paying the excess baggage fee, that is).
  • We came to love New Zealand - it took all of 30 seconds to love this place.
  • We made heaps of amazing friends from all over the world in our new home.
  • We mastered the art of driving on the wrong side of the road.
  • We learned that even though Canadians and Kiwis both speak English, we don't necessarily speak it the same way.
  • We took part in the milestone of a lifetime - the first day of school for Abner.
  • We were blown away by our clever little daughter who learned to read all on her own.
  • We learned a whole new appreciation for insulation and central heating.

A few thoughts on looking ahead to 2014...

  • I am going to continue to savour this new country I call home - it's an amazing place.
  • I will once again vow to eat healthier.
  • I will try once again to master the art of patience in my parenting.
  • I will do a better job of keeping in touch.
  • I will sew more of my own clothes.
  • I will get my body moving more often.

Happy New Year to you all and best wishes for 2014.


  1. This is wonderful Kim. It has been so wonderful to keep in touch and see your beautiful projects, and of course your beautiful family. Here's to a great 2014

    1. Thanks Christine! I hope 2014 treats you and your family well.
      By the way, there's a BMX track just down the road from where we live if you'd like to come visit ;-)
