
Monday 15 July 2013

Presto-changeo Reversible Skirt

How do you like the cute little skirt I made for Abner last night? Sunny, warm yellow with little white polka dots - the perfect skirt for my wee little girl. Yellow not your thing? Well, just a snap of the fingers and...presto-changeo, we have a cute little orange skirt!

Pretty clever, eh? I had this idea for a reversible skirt in my head when I woke up yesterday morning and sat down after dinner to work it out. I don't know what it is with me and reversible matter how many I make, I always think I can get away with sewing them up and turning them out through a hole I've left in the seam. It just seems like that should work, don't you think? I can assure you, it does not. Not at all. What you wind up with is something closer to a mobius loop than a skirt. By this point, Abner was getting quite keen to have a new skirt so I had to suffer through and pick it all apart and start again. In the end, it turned out beautifully!

The waistband has to be one of the comfiest options available (as far as waistbands go). Four separate casings for four separate strips of 1/4 inch elastic. Our little girl seems to be growing like a weed these days, so I left a bit of extra room in the waist and in the length. Last week alone she outgrew two pairs of jeans and several shirts!

The binding on the bottom was a piece of homemade bias tape that was sitting on the floor when I was looking for something to finish the hem with. Yup, I didn't care if it matched or not...just sewed that sucker on and stitched it by hand to finish it.

I love this skirt so much, I want to make an adult version. Give me a couple of days and I'll have pics and maybe a tutorial in case you're inspired to make your own.

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