
Sunday 28 April 2013

First quilt in a while

I started this quilt while we were in the throes of the Kiwi move. Perhaps I was a little frustrated about not getting to pack my own boxes; I just wanted to keep my hands busy and be in control of something!

It's fitting to show it to you now since it's so in keeping with the scrap-busting mood I've been in of late. So many scrappy projects coming out of the sewing room on a daily basis these days! I can't wait to show you. The fabrics for this quilt were all plucked from my stash and thrown together with long, disjointed angles in mind. Not my usual colour pallet, but I'm happy enough with the result.

I must confess that I didn't get the whole thing done before the big move. I had to wait until our shipping container arrived at the end of March to finish off that teal binding. It actually worked out nicely as this was the project I brought along to work on during my first quilting group meeting back at the beginning of April, just days after the container had been unpacked. The group meets again next weekend and I've already got another - much larger - scrappy quilt ready to stitch during the meeting. Happy stitching!