
Wednesday 3 April 2013

A very Kiwi Easter: Part 1

We are now a car driving Kiwi family. Yay! We picked up our new-to-us-paid-way-way-way-way-more-for-a-car-older-than-our-canadian-car-but-with-half-the-mileage car on Thursday just before the long weekend.

Our first trip took us out to the end of the Otago Peninsula on one of the scariest (read as most fun to drive) roads I've ever driven on in my entire life. Despite turning into oncoming traffic once, turning on the windshield wipers countless times when I meant to use the turn signal, and getting lost a couple of times on the first day, I'm now completely enjoying driving on the wrong side of the road.

How could you not like it when the road takes you to beautiful places like this, where we spent Good Friday having a picnic in near solitude.

Please pinch me, because I can't believe I really live here.


  1. So great! Looks like you are having a ball, but where is the picture of the car?


  2. Looks you guys are loving it. I want to come visit!!!

  3. Wow, what a fantastic place to be living and so many very different landscapes to explore.

  4. I'm flabbergasted. What a beautiful life you've landed in! Enjoy!
