
Monday 18 February 2013

Our first week (and a bit) in Dunedin

A moment of calm along the Water of Leith

Hard to believe we've been here for a week and a half already! Our first order of business was to find a place to live. Thankfully, that was quickly taken care of, so we're free to explore our new city properly now (though it will still be a few more days before we can move in). The Dear Sweet Husband is now into his second week at work, so Abner and I are on our own most days to get out and about.

The name is Pan. Peter Pan.

Mini horse ride!

A performance of "Waltz of the Flower" just for mom and dad.

With no car (yet), we've covered an incredible amount on foot and a fair bit on bus too. The parks and trails are wonderful to explore when we get tired of hitting the pavement through town. Dunedin seems to have lots to offer during the summer. So far we've taken in a bagpipe competition (it's hard to describe an actual bagpipe competition - imagine sticking your head into the middle of a bee hive and you've about got the sound right), a kids' fair in the Botanic Garden (where the fountain was WAY more entertaining), and some patio beers over at the Octagon - such a civilized country, Abner was allowed to join us at the pub!

Our first hike up to a nearby dam.

Bus adventure out to Portobello.

Suddenly - bagpipes!

First pub visit with mom and dad!

Who needs entertainers when there's a fountain to play in?

We're also loving the history here. Our new rental house was built in 1905. The oldest church in Dunedin (or maybe even NZ) is just down the street from our motel. It was built in 1865 - before Canada was even a country! The Otago Museum has great historical exhibits that Abner has already asked to go back and see. And that's just what we've managed to see on foot! I can't wait until we get a car. Maybe next week.

Cooling in the grass near the oldest church in Dunedin.

The library has also become a favourite spot in the last couple of days. It's about a 20 minute walk from the motel and will be about a 40 minute walk from our new home. Dunedin has book buses that come out to each neighbourhood on a regular schedule, so you can return your books and sign out new ones at the bus if you can't make it in to town. How cool is that?!?! You can also sign out art, too! What a concept!

Lots more to see and do still. Hopefully we can fit it all in before Abner starts school in a couple of months.


  1. Sounds like you are settling in really well and having a great time exploring. Enjoy!

  2. What an exciting new chapter. The photos are all so beautiful!

  3. What a wonderful place for your family. I really look forward to your posts@:)

  4. Looks great! Can't wait to see what you do with the house. (Does it have a sleep out?!)

  5. Looks like you're having lots of adventures and settling in well! Thanks for a glimpse into NZ life!
