
Friday 28 September 2012

Here's what you missed on Milkybeer

Forgive me, reader. It has been three months since my last post. Try to cut me some slack though - a lot has happened since we left the Prairies. Here are a few highlights for those of you who may have thought I'd fallen off the face of the earth.

1700 km of driving and the U-Haul was still in one piece as was all our stuff!

It didn't take us long to make our way to the ocean.

By the end of July we were off on a trip to see friends and family in Toronto.

While in Ontario, we also spent some time with some good friends up in cottage country.

Not only did Abner swim like a fish, she also learned to fish!

Watching her dad get tossed around on the tube.

Getting her nails done with Nana and Danielle was the highlight of the trip for Abner.

After a month of living with my parents we finally settled into our apartment.

Abner has started putting on performances after dinner some nights.

I got to check "See an actual community barn raising" off my bucket list.

Abner got to check "Get dragged along to the most boring event ever" off of hers.

But there was a band, so she was happy in the end.

Then there was the super brave girl at Playland.

All grown up and going on rides by herself!

Abner and The Dear Sweet Husband have been finding ways to keep themselves entertained while mommy is at work.

Another after dinner performance.

We gave Abner her own snorkeling gear...

which she wore in the pool...

and to skype with Gramps...

and just for fun!

Abner tried her hand at milking.

We took a daytrip to Bowen Island using only transit, the ferry and our feet. Epic day.

Did I mention she LOVES fishing? We had to get her her own rod. Seriously. She's four and she can already cast on her own.

Bad news Riders fans.

Aaaaannnd another after dinner performance. It's become a thing.

We ran for a very good cause and, once again, Abner was fascinated with the Terry Fox story.

Oh, and we bought a straightener.

And that's what you missed on Milkybeer.


  1. Wow. That's a lot of livin'. I was really excited to see this update!

    1. Thanks, Medrie! It's a lot harder to find time to write these days. Miss you guys!

  2. Great to see you posting again, loved how you captured a beautiful family summer. Hope you are enjoying being back at BCIT! Michelle

    1. Thanks, Michelle. I am enjoying being back at BCIT - who knew?!?!

  3. So glad to see you are back. Does wearing fairy wings make dinner-making go smoother?;)

    1. What? You don't wear fairy wings to bake in your household?

  4. Great photos. Glad you're back, friend.
