
Tuesday 29 May 2012

My cup runneth over

So, my last sale in Regina has come and gone. As some of you know already, our Prairie adventure is drawing to a close and we'll be heading back to BC at the end of June. While I'm looking forward to reconnecting with my BC buddies, the move means I'll likely have to scale back on the amount of sewing I've been doing. For now, the plan is to continue to work on custom orders in my spare time and gradually put the items I have already made into the shop.

This town/province have been so supportive of my little crafting endeavour, so I'm quite sad that I won't have the chance to do another craft fair here. I just want to send a big ol' thank you to everyone here who has come out to say 'hi', stood at my booth with me getting chilled to the bone, kept me company during the lulls in the crowds, had a nice thing to say about my stuff, or decided to buy one of my items. It all means a lot to me. As the title of this post says - my cup does indeed runneth over.

And speaking of cups, [how's that for a segue?] the cute little one in the picture above was made by Carole Epp (one of the members of the Flock and Gather Arts Collective up in Saskatoon). Some of the f&g group made it down to this weekend's Cathedral street fair, so I popped over to their booth to pick up this nerdy little cup for Abner. She's obsessed with getting her own drink of water from the bathroom sink these days. Not surprisingly, she's been a little extra hydrated since getting this cup.


  1. It's been wonderful to see all the crafty goodness you've created while in Regina! Sorry to hear you'll have less sewing time back in BC, but I'm excited that you'll be in my neck of the woods. I look forward to meeting you in person!

  2. When I saw the mug I thought someone made it for you, being milkybeer and you have glasses sort of the same, no? I think it is even more awesome that you ended up with it when it wasn't designed for you, somehow it seems like the universe is aligned.
