
Monday 7 May 2012

A handmade birthday

Call me crazy, but I let a group of preschoolers colour on the pillows today. Don't worry - I haven't completely gone off my rocker. The scribbling was part of the craft/party favour we did for Abner's birthday party today. I wisely prepared the pillows in advance with the initial for each little guest and left one side open to pop in the pillow form and sew them closed during the party. (Yes, I actually planned to sew during a party - I'm that hardcore about handmade.) I taped each girl's empty pillow case to the floor in our basement and let them loose with a couple of packs of fabric markers. They were beyond cute with all the polite sharing and 'ohhhs' and 'ahhhhs' over each other's work. The girls seemed to love their pillows and I'm sure ours will be a treasured item for years to come.

The other little item each guest received was a little lunch bag with a few goodies inside. I couldn't resist giving a few store-bought items along with the handmade. It's all about balance after all. The idea for the packaging came from Pinterest (though it seems I never actually pinned the link). The girls looked super cute heading home with their little bags and pillows. Another handmade birthday success!

Oh, and the fabric is Clifford's Puppy Days in ecru by Quilting Treasures in case you're wondering.

1 comment:

  1. kim, what an awesome idea!! i may have to borrow it for my little lady's birthday :) love that!
