
Tuesday 17 April 2012

Flock & Gather they certainly did!

HUGE thanks to everyone who came out to St. Joe's Hall in Saskatoon for this past weekend's Flock & Gather Spring Handmade Market. The whole event was just one big ol' amazingly fun experience.

The one photo I managed to take of my own booth

I don't know what I was expecting beforehand, but it certainly couldn't have lived up to the show that the Flock & Gather Craft Collective managed to put on. From the venue to the decorations, to the stellar lineup of vendors, the whole thing reminded me of a slightly smaller version of Vancouver's Got Craft?

A rare lull in the crowd

The crowd was pretty consistent the whole time, so I barely managed to step away from my booth to grab a bite to eat let alone take photos of all the awesome handmade goodies at the other tables. Instead, I've shamelessly borrowed a few photos from the Flock & Gather blog just so I can share the awesomeness of some of my favourite crafty folk:

Shauna Buck

  Boolah Baguette

 Cathy Terepocki

my table neighbours Walden Sweet

Carole Epp

coucou salut

The Maker of it All

Oh man, I could just keep going! Instead, just pop over to the Flock & Gather blog and check out the vendor profiles they ran leading up to the sale. You won't be disappointed.


  1. That looks awesome, Kim! Glad you had a great time!

  2. Thanks Kim! It was so great to have you there : )

  3. Your table looks lovely, hope it was a great success for you!
