
Thursday 29 March 2012

These days...

...I am pondering what to make with this bounty of scraps that arrived in the mail this morning. Thanks, Lesley! I am so lucky to have such a generous, crafty friend who went out of her way to package up and send me a huge bag of scraps for my quilting projects. I will return the favour one day!

...we are relieved that our rental house has finally been sold and that the new owners are letting us stay until June when we will (sadly) be leaving Regina. We don't know where we're headed yet, but look forward to moving on to the next adventure.

 ...I can't stop listening to Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men.

...I am killing myself laughing every time I watch this Downton Abbey spoof. In a freakishly twisted way it's a great introduction to the actual Downton Abbey story if you haven't gotten on the Downton bandwagon just yet. The Dear Sweet Husband and I are utterly obsessed!

...I am patiently waiting for my nephew's birthday to pass so that I can share my latest creation here on the blog. Stay tuned in mid April for the big reveal.

...I've been discovering a few new blogs to waste time over. I'm particularly enjoying it's like this, cat.

...are passing by in a blur of late night sewing and prepping as I get ready for the spring shows. Only a couple of quilts and some coasters left to finish! Yay me for being so productive! 

1 comment:

  1. How lovely of Lesley to send you all those scraps! I just got a bunch of scraps from The Cloth Shop's pound sale (they're moving to Granville Island and having a big sale). My daughter and I used the scraps to make a doll quilt for her toys.

    Glad you know your living situation for the next few months. Sorry you'll be leaving Regina but I'm selfishly hoping that might mean you'll be heading back to BC!

    Thanks for the awesome Downton Arby's link. Loved it!
