
Wednesday 8 February 2012

Heart Week: Day 1

I'm really not one to make a fuss about Valentine's. In fact, The Dear Sweet Husband and I have been known to stand in the greeting card aisle at the grocery store, pick out cards for each other, read them to each other and put them right back on the shelf. I mean, really, it's the thought that counts, not who spent more on a card.

My own feelings aside, I'm pretty sure Valentine's is a popular day for other folk. Sooooo, I thought it would be fun to use the marvel that is Pinterest to share with you all an entire week's worth of Valentine-related craftiness.

Up first: DIY elbow patches from Honestly WTF....'cause nothings says romance like felted hearts on your elbows. Now, it just so happens that TDSH actually does need elbow patches on most of his sweaters, so this might actually be something I try one day. I'm pretty sure I'm the only woman in the world who can honestly say her husband would love to get elbow patches for Valentine's. Brings new meaning to "heart-felt" gift!

Source: via Kim on Pinterest

Stop by tomorrow when I share the perfect DIY project for a stationery-lover...not to be confused with a stationary lover. Those are two very different things.

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