
Monday 2 January 2012

Looking back at 2011

1. Advent activity card printable - the most popular post this year, by far! 2. Reversible bucket hat from Oliver + S. 3. The cutest little tree skirt. 4. Apparently I made a few quilts this year. 5. Kids' messenger bag - another Oliver + S goodie. 6. A surprise on this list - the homemade magic bag. 7. My first craft show. 8. Evidently folks like my sewing room. 9. No-sew fabric art - the most popular DIY of the year. 10. Folks seemed to like Abner's room too! 11. The pink cross quilt experiment. 12. Fabric boxes also made the list.

So, here we are. A new year has begun. Like so many other bloggers out there, I'm taking a look back at the year that was 2011. I'll kick things off with a look at the ol' blog itself...
  • The images and caption above provide a list of the top 12 posts from 2011. I'm pleased to see that some of my favourites were also your favourites as well this year.
  • A total of 91 posts were written this year. A little down from 2010, but not bad considering the year's big move to the prairies and the fact that I was MIA for big chunks of time. 
  • Regina managed to bump Vancouver out of top spot for visitors' locale this year. In fact, it was no contest - Regina is ahead by a landslide! Thank you Regina!
  • My first kick at doing a free printable download turned out to be my most popular post ever. I've had trouble figuring out exactly where all those visitors came from, but I suspect that Pinterest is to thank (and those who pinned my images there, of course).
  • Most of the traffic to my blog continues to come from Facebook. Thank you to my friends and family, far and wide, who take the time to stop by and to the folks who've taken the time to "like" Milkybeer Handmade on FB. I hope you all continue to visit in the year ahead.
  • Early Observations was the most commented post of the year. Though, truth be told, about half the comments are my own replies.
Reflecting on 2011 in was a good year. There were lots of ups and some great lessons learned. In 2011...
  • We took on and survived a rather stressful start to the year. 
  • We kept secrets for a short while.
  • We took a tremendous leap of faith and moved half way across the country (or is it only a 1/3? My God, Canada is a big country) to the prairies.
  • I learned how to say goodbye to good friends.
  • I learned how to Skype.
  • I learned that even strangers can become friends in an instant and am thrilled to count so many new and amazing people among my friends this year.
  • I learned (am still learning) how to live with less.
  • After years of listing to bosses go on about setting goals, I finally set a few of my own. And wouldn't you know it - I achieved them all.
  • Was humbled to learn that just because you try your hardest and want something really badly, doesn't mean you're going to get it.
  • Confirmed the notion that "if you build it, they will come." is totally bogus.
  • I saw my daughter off to school for the first time.
  • I learned that you don't need mountains to enjoy the great outdoors.
  • I walked away from one of my favourite little side projects ever (but left it in good hands).
  • I saw that pure joy is watching your kid slide down a hill on a sled for the first time.
  • I made more time to sew and was happier for it.
  • Confirmed the notion that "use it, or lose it." is completely true (as evidenced by my complete inability to spell or punctuate anything properly after six months off the job) [side note: there were several typos in this sentence before I spell checked it. d'oh!]
A few thoughts on looking ahead to 2012...
  • I may try that goal setting thing again...I may not.
  • More effort will be put toward finding outlets to sell my creations.
  • I will put myself out there more than I have.
  • I will do my damnedest to learn a little patience.
  • Oh, and I'm going to eat healthier (phft...yeah, right). 
Happy new year to you all and best wishes for 2012.


  1. love love love this! thanks for sharing your thoughts, kim. i will be reading this again as we embark on a year full of changes, ourselves! nice to have friends who have done the same.

  2. I hope 2012 brings you everything you hope for Kim. If you are on Skype, we will have to chat soon! I'm sure Lexi would get a big kick out of talking to Abby on there. I will email you my screen name. I miss you dearly my friend....

  3. Great post, Kim! May 2012 bring more adventures, discoveries and sewing!
