
Sunday 6 November 2011

True Knit...Truly awesome

Thank you to everyone who stopped by True Knit 3: The Craftermath today! You all helped make my first craft sale experience a most memorable and enjoyable affair!

I was so hopeful beforehand that this event would be a positive experience for me, and I wasn't disappointed. From event organizers Cassie and Cookie who welcomed me straight away as I walked in early this morning, to the lovely ladies in the booth next to me who chatted with me during the lulls, and all the friendly folk who stopped by to shop, browse or pay a compliment, everyone had such kind things to say about my booth and my products. Yay! Here's how the setup looked for the day...

Everything you see here (except for one quilt) was created since Labour Day.

Those bunnies were manhandled by half of Regina today.

I told people to ask and, boy, did they ever!

Cards were a hot item...had people laughing too!

The new Milkybeer banner made from an old wool blanket and vintage sheet.

Hand-stamped hang tags.
I wish I'd had more of a chance to get out and see what other vendors were selling, but it's hard to man a booth on your own. What I could see looked awesome! I do know that I wasn't the only newbie there. Looks like the crafty community in Regina is starting to boom these days (just like the town itself).

My view to the right...

across the aisle...

and to my left.
When we started this whole prairie adventure thing, I set myself a series of personal goals. One was to sell my handmade items at a craft show. Goal number 1...check! Another was to open an Etsy shop. I've done this one too, however, it's empty at the moment so don't go looking for it just yet, please! The third is to sell my products in a store. After today, I think I can safely say I am one big step closer to making that happen too.

Now I am going to put up my feet and rest a while and sip some tea. G'night.


  1. Wow Kim, your table looked AMAZING! Congrats on your first show. You've obviously been VERY busy :)

  2. Congrats Kim! I can't believe how much beautiful stuff you've made! So happy things are going well for you.

  3. Im so glad you had the chance to be in our show! Cassie and I were really excited to have you and hope you will come out for the next one too! I too wished we had more time to look around and shop! Such a busy but fun day! Thanks again for being a part of True Knit!

  4. your booth and work looks fantastic!! i love how it all came together and you did a kick ass job!

  5. let me just say....yours was my favourite booth! all the special little touches you put into your products and displaying them didn't go unnoticed.


    p.s. i just set my coffee neatly on a lovely handmade coaster and it made me smile! love those linen delights!
