
Saturday 22 October 2011

Out on the prairies

I had no idea what to expect in terms of outdoor activities when we moved to SK. So much of our outdoor experience in BC revolved around either going up or coming down mountains. What could SK offer that could possibly compare?!

Well, they're not exactly mountains, but the valleys around this region do offer hem...modest hills that make for perfect fall hikes.

Over the past few weekends we set out to explore some of the local trails which are actually maintained by local cross country ski clubs. First up were the Wascana Trails just north of town. Pretty spectacular, don't you think?

The hills seemed like a novelty to Abner. She loved running down as fast as she good (and had a few good wipeouts doing it) or running up to be king of the castle. She also put up with me trying to snap about a million pictures of her! It was driving her crazy, but I just loved how her hair was the same colour as the grass.

Last weekend we headed east to try out the White Butte Trails. We have to be the only family crazy enough to set off for an outing in an unfamiliar province with absolutely no idea how to get to where we are going. All we had to guide us was TDSH's vague recollection of having seen a sign for White Butte on one of our earlier outings. Thankfully, that was enough.

The views weren't as impressive here, but the scenery was gorgeous nonetheless. Abner loved hearing the train so nearby, while TDSH and I were less than fond of the sounds of rifel fire coming from the nearby shooting range.

I'm so glad we had the chance to get outdoors before the snow falls (which feels like it's going to be soon...very soon!)

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