
Saturday 20 August 2011

Gramps and Nana come to town

Looking for a way to help out friends or family who are in the midst of a move? Forget helping them pack, loading/unloading the truck, or even bringing them food. No, my friends, if you really want to help out, do what Gramps and Nana did and take the toddler out of the house for a couple of days. Made moving day so much easier!

Yes, we were lucky enough to have a visit from Gramps and Nana on the first days we were in our house. It was a jam-packed, whirlwind of a visit, but we somehow managed to show off the town, do a little roadtrip, celebrate our anniversary, AND unpack all of our boxes in those six fun-filled days.

Opening some gifts from G & N and the rest of the family.
After moving day and an entire day of unpacking in peace, we did let Gramps and Nana off the hook a bit and show them around town and enjoy a regular holiday in sunny Regina.

First BBQ in the backyard. Yes, the entire backyard is paved. Don't ever do this to a backyard.
We even took them on a roadtrip to see Findlater, where TDSH's grandfather first settled when he arrived in Canada.

Three generations at Findlater.
That same trip, we also went to Regina Beach, which is a little community about 30 minutes out of town where Reginians go when they want to get away from it all. A lovely little spot for a day out in the sun!

Did I mention that there's been some flooding here?

Chilling on a bench in front of the vintage diner where we had lunch. Miranda & Steve, you'd love it!

Wicked cute ice cream shop on the main drag in Regina Beach!
The Queen City Exhibition was also on during their visit, so, of course, we HAD to go. Abner had never been to a carnival before and oh my word, did she ever love it. This was one milestone, I am so glad I was able to be a part of.

View from the ferris wheel...Mosaic Stadium in the distance.

Not surprisingly, you could see for miles from the top of the ferris wheel.

We took a pass on all the carny games.
First time on a coaster and she squealed with delight the whole time.

Abner insisted everyone rest for a minute.

Coaster #2 of the day...this time with Gramps.

TDSH took her on a rather sedate bee ride.

Her first ride sans parents. Don't know who the girl is, but I would love to know what Abner said to her during the ride.
It was a great time to visit Regina. Not only was the Ex on, but the Folk Festival was also on. We spent the better part of a day there with Gramps and Nana and then headed back the next day after they'd left town. I've never been to a Folk Festival before, but this one was awesome. It's held in Victoria Park which is right downtown and the daytime shows are free! We saw Dan Mangan, Hawksley Workman, Michael Bernard Fitzgerald, The Sojourners and many others all without spending a dime. Talk about a fantastic way to expose people to great music.

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