
Thursday 25 August 2011

Around the house: My sewing room

Now that we're settled in the house, my friends and family have been asking to see what it looks like, so over the next few weeks, I'll do a series of "Around the house" posts to show off some of the corners of our home. Today's post is about my favourite room in the house: my sewing room. My wildest dreams have come true! I have my very own sewing room! It makes me happy...very, very happy to be able to say that.

The floors are beautiful hardwood - perfect for my cutting mat - and the closet is the perfect space to hide away some of my stash. Probably my favourite part of the room is my new pegboard. Yeah, I'm an organizing geek. But look how pretty - and useful - it is!

I made and painted the pegboard myself and hung it with a little help from The Dear Sweet Husband. I've already tackled a few projects since putting it up, and I love being able to see all of my tools at a glance and how easy it is to grab exactly what I need whether it's scissors, rulers or my staple gun.

There was even a bit of space left for some cute art pieces!

I love the bright colours of the thread against the pretty blue of the pegboard. (The paint was left over from painting Abner's dresser.) I figure it will be nice to look at such a cheery colour in the dead of winter in Regina.

To organize some of my smaller fabric pieces, I held on to an unused IKEA CD tower and sorted the fabric by colour...the effect is beautiful and it makes pulling fabrics so easy.

What you can't see from these photos is that there is one giant blank wall that I've purposely left blank. My plan is to pick up some rigid foam insulation and make myself a design board. First, I need to make friends with someone with a vehicle large enough to fit the insulation!

I love, love, love my new sewing room. I love it so much, I sometimes stand in the middle of it and just smile (I even ate my cereal in there the other morning - just because).


  1. Your sewing room looks great! I've got pegboard too, I've been wanting to paint it. I actually have a similar shade blue (a bit darker) that I'd like to use. It would definitely brighten up my dark corner of the basement. Guess I have a new project for this weekend—clean up the basement and paint my pegboard :).

  2. WOW! It's amazing! I'm so happy for you - I know how much you NEEDED a place like this. Yay!

  3. What an awesome space. Enjoy!

  4. Gorgeous. I love that you stand in the middle of it and smile. I have spaces like that too (though not nearly so well organized)

  5. I LOVE YOUR PEGBOARD!!! Yes, I'm yelling a little; it's just that awesome. I have recently salvaged an ikea cd tower for a similar purpose--still deciding whether fabric or yarn will win. Yay! Thanks for the view of your workspace!

  6. i love love love love love this room! it's so spacious but most importantly it's beautiful and inspirational!

    ps - love seeing that black apple card - i have the same one, just getting ready to rehang it in the new place over - get this - the fabric chest! thrifted a vintage dresser and it's full of organized-by-colour fabric. ;) see - the distance between us, not so far.

  7. i'm dying to be this present my sewing and craft supplies are haphazardly stashed here and there...which doesn't make me feel like jumping into a project!

    ...thinking you just inspired me!

