
Friday 15 July 2011

Getting into the groove

At a week and a half, it feels like we've been here much longer already. By now I've hit a point were I am finally able to head off in the car without looking at a map every single time, I've signed up for my first customer loyalty card program at the neighbourhood Sobey's, I picked up a library card yesterday, and we're also making friends by now, having been over to dinner with one set of friends last week and spending an evening this week getting to know some new UofR friends while borrowing their unused camp furniture (and trying to resist their emphatic suggestions to "Take anything you need - PLEASE!") Our days have fallen into a comfortable routine.

Since we're all sleeping on the floor in the same room, it's pretty much a given that we're all up at the same time - usually just before 7 (though we do stir at bit earlier at 6 when the first planes of the day go by overhead...just a little detail the property management company failed to mention). The Dear Sweet Husband takes responsibility for Abner in the morning while I've been going out for either a run or a bike ride until 8. Once I get back, TDSH hops on his bike and takes his 10 minute (!) ride to the university and Abner sits with me while I eat my breakkie (which is so much more enjoyable now that that we have a table and chairs to sit at - we had been using small appliance boxes).

Abner's main responsibility in the mornings is to get herself dressed while I'm in the shower. Usually this goes quite well, however, after this morning's shower, I got an extra surprise in the form of 13 photos she'd managed to take of our nearly empty livingroom which she was eager to show me while I dripped on the tea towel bathmat. The girl has an eye for baseboard heaters and white walls, I tell ya!

Abner and I have a tenuous agreement that we will stay put reading in the apartment until Momma is done her coffee. She would much rather be outside. Back home, this likely would have turned into a time when I'd turn the TV on to keep Abner entertained (read as quiet) while I sipped away. I've been pleasantly surprised at how she's gradually learning to entertain herself for longer and longer stretches without much coaxing from me. Today she even coloured which is a rare occurrance for her. I am proud of myself for not missing the TV as much as I thought I would.

Our main activities in the morning usually involve either a playground or our local library. The library is very close to us and has fantastic programs and entertainers for kids...a little too fantastic as we discovered this morning when we tried to go see The Bubble Man and were turned away at the door along with 30 or so other families. Oh, the tears! Thankfully, we were able to make like Bubble Man groupies and follow him to his afternoon gig and were the first in line for his 2 o'clock show.

Our afternoons consist of lunch at home and a nap. Oh, what a luxury to take a nap every afternoon! I know you're all probably jealous, but I could get used to this! Yesterday we hit up a couple of garage sales after nap, but usually it's just off to the playground again or reading until TDSH gets home at 4:30 or so. Regarding the garage sale thing...does anyone else think it's odd for people to host garage sales in the middle of the week?

I've been taking on dinners each night and it feels oh so good to be able to cook at home again. We invested in a set of stainless steel pots for a whopping $17 just so we could stop eating out. I choose not to think about how or where those pots were made so cheaply and instead am grateful that they allow me to cook for my family. It was getting a bit out of hand there for a while - I think it had been an entire month since I last prepared a meal at home.

TDSH usually takes Abner off for a bike ride after dinner and I head off to the Starbucks to check out what's happening in the world each evening. When I get back, Abner is asleep and TDSH and I read either in the kitchen or in the hallway (the only rooms with light fixtures) until we hit the hay. I have read more books these past two weeks than I have in the past two or three years. Just finished Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and couldn't recommend it more (ya know, if you're looking for an 841-page summer read).

Tis time to wrap up this evening's online adventure and head back to the indoor campsite for the night. I hope you've enjoyed tonight's installment of Milkybeer's Prairie Adventure. Good night.


  1. Camping by the airport in Regina? You copycat ;)

  2. Sounds like lovely days Kim! Glad you enjoyed the girl with the dragon tattoo! You should follow up with the next two in the series.

    We are slaving away with rack cards and jealous while you nap.


  3. love your tales of prairie adventures...very entertaining@:D

  4. I can just see you guys reading in the hallway too...

    Lexi misses Abby. I made my first quilt! Check it out at

    Looking forward to hearing about more adventures :)
