
Tuesday 10 August 2010

Fabric finds

I spent our whole trip to and from the Kootenays looking for thrift stores. It's becoming a wee bit of an addiction. Sadly, I missed out on most because Abner was sleeping and we couldn't stop the car (she's the lightest sleeper in the world!). I did manage to hit a great shop in Hope just as the drive was (finally) coming to a close. I don't think I spent more than five minutes in the store, but it was a very productive five minutes!

I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to make with this one, but I absolutely love these colours. Perhaps this cute little top?

This stuff is actually a really stretchy, thick polyester which is not something I'm normally drawn to, but when cute puppies are involved...all bets are off. My plan is to attempt a hoodie for fall for Abner, though I imagine I'll have to line it with something soft like flannel.

I'm also throwing these pics in because I picked up this fabric ages ago and haven't posted about it yet. The same day I bought this sheet remnant at Value Village, I found the exact same sheet - uncut - for half the price at a thrift store in PoCo! Argh. No plans as of yet for this any ideas?


  1. Oh, I love these! I can see a 50s style circle skirt out of the last one. Or a shift dress.

  2. @Heavy PetalSadly, I don't think I have enough fabric for a circle skirt! Shift dress...maybe. Great idea!
